Al kisahnya..
entah kenapa la jadi org yg ber'tuah' kena tagged by cik renz ni??..
uh seriusly buhsan jer bout myself..ermm nothin much interesting bout me..
but utk tidak mengecewakan sahabatku renz..
dgn susah payahnyer sy berusah utk menjawab..
seriusly mmg pjg..
so juz check it out~~
Name: Norhidayah Mohd Shafie
Sister: Noraisha
Brothers: -Shahnon Hidayat
- Bani Hidayat
- Shafri
- Shukri
# i'm d'yougest..ahakz
Height: 163cm (i thin' so)
Shoe size: 7 or 8
Where do you live: Ipoh Garden,jn La Salle.. currently..insyaAllah til mac nx year
Favourite drinks:
--any fruit juices
--white coffee (in-comix)
Favourite breakfast:
--nasi lemak daun pisang.. (uh yg abah beli time blk umah)
Have you ever been on a plane?
Swam in the ocean?
yup..uh sgt suke.. esp snorkeling..sgt indah ciptaan Allah di dasar lautan~
Fallen asleep at school?
standard laa tuh~ ahakz
Broken someone's heart?
insyaAllah..i dun thin' so.. really sorry kalu ade yg terasa
Fell off your chair?
xsure..xde kot
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?
surely nope! huhu..xde sesape pun =(
Saved e-mails?
xde gak
What is your room like right now?
agak tidak memberangsangkan..jab lg kemas! promise..
What's right beside you: which side?
my phone
What is the last thing you ate?
sphagetti masak sendiri!
Ever had chicken pox?
rase cam xpenah..mintk dijauhkan..
Sore throat?
dulu2 ade..jarang sgt
xpenah..stitch org de laa..hehe
Broken nose?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
bole laa~ haha
Like picnics?
sgt suke..but xde mase jer~ seday
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with?
xreti dance..haha..bdn cam keras maa!
Last who made you smile?
Fizy kot..haha
You last yelled at?
cam xde je.. susah nk marah2 org ni
Today, did you:
Talk to someone you like
--baru jer kot..i thin' so~huhu
Kiss anyone
Get sick
Talk to an ex
sure laa x~
Missing someone
so far no
br pas mkn spagetti (msk sendiri taw~ahak)
Best feeling in the world
bile dpt tgk Kaabah depan mata sendiri..SubhanaAllah..
Do you sleep with stuffed animals
What's under your bed
kotak for brg2 yg xgune..beg pakaian
Who do you really hate? yg xtepati janji..
Is there a person who is on your mind now?
Do you have any siblings
sure..tu yg byk2 list kat atas
Do you want children
sure!!..bestnyer ade baby~~
Do you smile often
Alwitz..senyum tu kan sedekah!huhu
Do you like your hand-writing
not really..but xle nk ubah da..haha
Are your toe nails painted
isk2 xkan selama2 nyer
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in
xde..nak bed sendiri gak..kalu x susah nk tido~
What color shirt are you wearing now
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m
borak2 ngan kak fifa
Are you a friendly person?
yup sure! hehe
Do you have any pets?
allergic haiwan xde
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
entah! still searching for Mr.Right~~ ahakz..anybody?? huhu
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you? xde jer
Do you sleep with the TV on?
cam bese wat jer~ ahakz
What are you doing right now?
try to answer all diz ques..penin2 cam kena amik written paper xm..sambil tgk Anugerah Skrin~
Have you ever crawled through a window?
uh..apekah soklan ni~ xpenah xtvt xsehat jer~~
Can you handle the truth?
Are you too forgiving?
yer kot..
Are you closer to your mother or father?
wif Abah! huhu
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
kak fifa kot~ haha..tragis story!
How many people can you say you've really loved?
ermm..Family n my friends so far~
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?
haha..soklan ape ni??..ade jer~ profesional ma.. xde pape reason 4 keeping it..yg berlalu biarkan must goes on!
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?
so far xde la coz took it as positive thin'..i'm quite open minded n positive susah nk terasa hati..isk2
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
msg yana..haha..borak ngan kak fifa
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
quiet kot..
Are you confident?
depends on situation..
5 snacks I enjoy:
--so far xde kot
3 of my bad habits:
-- malas study cam renz kena study gak coz da nk final xm =(
-- bersiap lambat pg2 nk g klas..walaupun bgn awal..but still lewat gak g klas pg2..why ek?? adeh~
-- lembut hati sgt.. susah nk rase marah if de somthing bad happen to me~
3 places I have lived in (or WILL live in):
--byk lebih dr 3
--Sarikei, Swak
--Tawau, Sabah..( plan for my Housemanship kat saner~huhu)
3 Jobs I've had:
-- keje kat pharmacy tg.malim
-- tu jer kot!
btol3x! (mcm upin ipin)
dayah mmg susah nak marahhh.haha.
n....sedikit gelabah.ops.haha
misshh you.bile nak hang out ngn ko lagi.
ahakz..terlupa nk teringat ak mmg cepat menggelabah~ haha..sebaik ko ingatkan..tu xle nk sorok laa!hehe
adeh~ org tu da nk kawen nx week..boleh lg ke nk hang out together2 maa? ak no hal..single n available (adeh~~)
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