Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm BacK!

al kisah nya...
wah bahagianya da habis posting ortho di taiping..
so 'll continue in Hosp.Ipoh pula..
After 2 wk in Taiping without
buhsan giler..hari2 ptg tido jer..xpun wat conference n tutorial sendirik wif my husmet kat rumah..ahakz
xpun g window shopping + shopping kat tesco taiping..wah bahagia~~
(bile soh blajar malas huhu)
xpun g cari cendol n pasembor yg sedap kat taiping
(serius sedap korg kena try if g taiping)
ermm..tu je la kot xtvt kitorg sepjg d'taiping..buhsan kan??
sgt buhsan coz Mr.Mohan (head of depatment Orthopedic) cuti time kitorg kat sanae
standard laa..die celebrate Deepavali la~~
sgt rugi..coz die sgt BEST!!..sebaik last 2 days kitorg kat Taiping die dtg n wat intensif clas for us..
wah~~ sgt best die ajar..sgt suke..coz die sgt baik~huhu..
seriusly..1st time jumpe (time 1st day in Hosp taiping)..seriusly xcaya die adalah head of department..coz die nmpk sgt mude!!
last day tuh usha die punyer name tag..uh ic die 78****..xingat la meaning dat umur die br 40..wah da jadi HOD..sgt talented..mengajar pun bagus..
(uh melarat tul memuji die ni..huhu)
so far..still dunno much bout diseases in ortho..everythin' still superficial knowledges..adeh~
i'm still learning for d'best..but i dun thin i'll specialised in ortho coz seriusly tak minat..
but for the time being..need to learn everythin..coz i'm still undergraduate..wah for exam purposed also..huhu.. d'most important thin' a future doctor..we need to now everythin..coz we can't chose patient.. so we need to treat all of them as best as we can..xkesah laa case ape pun included ortho case la kan yg plg common sgt kat m'sia ni coz byk sgt accident ni~~
so nak tak nak learning is the best process..hopefully..i learn sumthin during this posting..walaupun sgt sekejab ( 5 wks).. but then d'quantity is not the problem..but the quality is d'most important! nanti bile da jd houseman xde laa menggelabah sgt nk manage patient with ortho problems..insya Allah..pray for me..amin~
ok laa..tu je intro setelah blog ni sunyi seketika ..i'll be continue later ya!!
okies..nk layan HOUSE jab..
c yaa!


B@drul said...

ha... dah balik dah..:P

MissHisha said...

Iyer bad~~ nape rindu ek? ahakz..

zarirah i. said...

eh, xper2, sile la puji lagi banyak. coz sryesly dier adalah SUPER-SUPPER-COOLEST-MARVELOUS-DOCTOR-EVER! i think x jmpe lagi org yg x puji dier. mr mohan rocks!!!! i really missed his teaching.

ohh, n dier pnah panggil kitorg children. 'where are the other children?' he asked. isnt he sweet? sangat!!
