Wednesday, January 28, 2009


No. Kad Pengenalan : 850827115334

Kod Jawatan


Tarikh Daftar




TEMPOH SAH LAKU permohonan anda adalah selama satu (1) tahun daripada Tarikh Daftar permohonan. Selepas tamat tempoh sah laku, sekiranya masih berminat berdaftar dengan SPA, pemohon-pemohon hendaklah mengemukakan permohonan baru.

Yer kawan2..adakah anda telah menyemak status borg pendaftaran masing2??

Plzz do dat asap..coz if ade pape silap boleh korg leh cepat2 betulkan..susah laa sistem2 online ni..walaupun zaman era techno but risk for mistake still ade ok~~ ade sy dengar beberapa kes boyz yg 'ter' salah letak isi jawatan from Pegawai Perubatan --> jadi Pembantu Pegawai Perubatan..uh walaupun tertambah satu word..but still byk effect plzz check it out!

Alhamdulilah..from my side sesi mengisi borg2 sudah selesai.. walaupun pada mule nyer kelam kabut cari balik sijil2 lame yg ter 'missed place'..isk tu la cuai salah sendiriK!!..thanks 2 my mum coz susah payah menyelongkar almari kat rumah..hehe manja ek sy?? adeh sebaik jumper..alhamdulillah kalu tak.. xdpt nk g interview nanti..

Interview??? aduh~~ malasnye..knape mesti ade benda2 camni..seriusly xreti..da laa xpenah pegi mana2 interview b4 diz..camne ni?? ape kena wat?? nak kena prepare ape ek?? general knowledge cam agak hambar..pudar and samar2..huhu..but if tanye sape presiden baru Amerika tuh for sure laa dpt jawab~~ ahakz.. alahai.. sebab nak kena keje ngan goverment ni so terpaksa gak laa menyahut cabaran for interview ni..hopefully jgn laa tanye soklan mengarut2 ke ape~~ tolong laa saya tuan~~huhu..

cam xsangka lak da nak abes lagi lebih kurang 2months je laa nk bergelar as a student..then da start keje..uh walaupun cam xsabar da nk abes nak muntah da mentelaah but my knowledges still floating2 lg ni-->bak kata dr.M (phm2 sendiri bg sape yg phm)..hai~ xkesah laa kan..seriusly nak lulus exam final ni!!. walaupun tahu cabaran yg mendatang dan yg bakal ditempuhi especially time Housemanship nanti sgt menakutkan.i dun care~~ Hidup memang penuh dgn cabaran..bcoz of dat laa kita belajar macam mana utk menjadi manusia yg berguna dan berjaya dunia juz go for it!!.. Ya Allah permudahkan lah hambaMu ini..amin..

So..da isi borg..mesti nak taw sy apply nak keje kat mane rite?? wlaupun diberi 3 pilihan utk memilih hospital utk berkerja..but finally i juz put ONLY 1 hospital..which is Hospital TAWAU, Sabah baa~~ coz konfirm mmg dapat wat for letak 2 hospital lain as my list rite?..everybody asked me.. nape sy memilih utk berkerja di sana??? why ek??
huhu.. verbally mmg it's hard for me to answer d'question..hehe.. serius susah tu nak jawab~~

Actlly..i hav my own reasons why i chose to work there..
  • 1st and foremost i juz follow my kata ikut kata hati..entah laa..xtaw laa mmg Allah da beratkan hati pergi keje kat sane (i thin' so)
  • sy suke sesuatu yg mencabar..huhu
  • sy suka buat yg org lain xsuke buat..contohnya.. sy pilih sabah coz xde org pilih sabah as diorgnye 1st choice (bg student2 dr semenanjung laa) suke ape yg org xsuke..senang citer laa kan..hehe
  • i think Sabah is a nice place for me to strength my foundations as a new houseman doctor nanti.. pham2 je laa..doctor2 baru grad ni xbanyak pengalaman sure byk yg 'kureng' nyer hopefully i can learn more in sabah..
  • i want to improve my clinical skills..hopefully i hav alot of chance to do surgery by myself coz i like surgery..hehe berangan~~..i hope i can manage alot of emergency cases confidently coz i want to further my study in emergency med insyaAllah..i hope i can see and learn alot2 of cases sampai nausea and vomiting laa~~..haha
  • i like sabah coz kat sane byk tempat2 menarik yg boleh dilawati..esp pulau2 die yg sgt aim is..nk blaja and amik lesen diving..hehe..interesting rite..nak explore sume pulau2 kat sabah!! uh cam ade mase laa kan nanti time HO..insyaAllah i'll make it! yeh~~
  • rase2 nye kat sane HO xramai..coz xde sape pun yg sanggup keje kat sabah hopefully specialist can pay attenttion more on me..kena marah pun marah laa..kena herdik ke ape..monkey donkey wat so eva..i dun care~~ yg penting blaja..kalu nak jadi doctor tu bia la jadi doctor yg terbaik..xkan nak jd doctor cincai2 kan?? so time HO laa nk blaja..coz if wat salah ke MO or specialist yg cover our phm2 sendiri laa ye kawan2~
  • uh rase nye kat tawau xde medical student coz is not a teaching hospital (i thin' so) bukan ckp sy xsuke medical student (cam xsedar diri lak la kan) .. my reason is xnak ah nanti time HO kena compare ngan medical student lak..adeh~ agak malu gak rasenye..hehe
  • coz i'm nothing much to take care of 'org tersayang' haha..except my parents..but my parents da bg green lite!! tiada ape lagi take d'chance laa time muda2 ni..
  • i thin' i'm an independent person..but if ttiba homesick laa bile time kat sane xtaw laa kan..hopefully nope~
So far tu jer kot yg terlintas kat kepala otak ni for d'time being..nway everyone hav their own reason nak chose keje kat mane2 pun..Yg pasti dimana jua anda berkeja for sure korg can learn somethin..yg penting u all komited wif ur works laa kan..kat mane2 pun same..bak kata dr.Chung..if u want to be a good doctor..u must hav P.I.E...Patient,Interest,E..ape ek?? xingat~~ haha..

Okay lah..perjuangan belum selesai..exam yg lg 2 bulan (xsampai pun if tolak2 masa mengupdate blog ni je keje nye~~huhu).. pray 4 me ya~~



Zaki Isa said...

Bagus! Anda berani dan yakin! (walaupun ada sikit-sikit goyah) Selamat berjaya!

MissHisha said...

'ade sikit-sikit goyah'?? huhu..tang mane tuh? nway thanks ya~

Zaki Isa said...

haha. gurau je.

Anonymous said...

waaa..ko dh nk keje eh..mntk tawau lak tu,mmg lain dr yg lain.ape2 pon,congrates and all da best!!

zarirah i. said...

wow, tawau?! u go girl! nnt leyh lepak sabah wiken2. haha (mcm la byk masa sgt kn...)