Sunday, September 7, 2008

PCM Posting in MeMory~~

@Last day in Hosp.Bt Gajah wif Dr.Prema (Pengarah Hosp)..
~she's very nice doctor..^_^

Al Kisahnya...

da 1 wk start posting baru ( skrg posting Paediatrics!!).. terasa cepat sungguh mase berlalu..uh really miz primary care posting..xtaw nape..really like pcm posting except kena wat HSR stressful~ .. i really want 2 be family health physician..amin~..u know why?? coz i thin dat working as primary care doctor can make us really close to the patient..itu laa sy mahu.. on d'other hand, i alwitz thinking dat why so many patient admitted to the hospital everyday?? although, there's alot of treatment available in health center (Klinik kesihatan)..private clinic everywhere..but why?? still so many people end up in the hospital wif so many problems n complications~~

Atas kesedaran itu, atas ape yg saya rase..apa yg jiwa sy berkata2.. jika diberi peluang saya lebih cenderung utk berkhidmat dlm primary care setting.. betapa puas nyer rase bile dpt treat patient sebaik mungkin before dvped further complication or d'other words..'prevention is better than cured'

So many things la sy blajar sepanjgn posting ni.. yg baik..yg buruk..yg pastinya.. sering sy mngingat diri sy sendiri..setiap apa yg kiter lakukan itu hendak dengan hati yg ikhlas n semoga apa yg kite lakukan itu mendapat keredhaaan drNya.. works as a doctor is not an easy job actly.. 'doctor' nampak cam glamer~ pakai white coat..wif sthetoscope around the neck..uh looks nice rite?? but u now wat?? it's no easy n simple like dat..ur responsibles not juz ask d'patient " sakit ape encik?..sakit ape makcik?"..then "makcik mkn ubat ni ek.."..then..discharge patient cam2 jer~..uh if sebelum sy jadi medical student ni sy rase cam best jer jd doctor ni..treat patient bg ubat jer laa..pas2 da laa~ but actly finally i realized dat it's not as simple liked dat..

After bout 4 1/2 years as a medical student ni..bout 2 years in clinical years(uh lame gak ni).. my eyes really open as wide as possible..i really look the real life of human being..not only healthy peoples but also sick peoples, disable people, palliative patients til la patient yg meninggal di depan mata sy sendiri.. Ya Allah.. sesunngguhnya semua yg sy alami itu memberi keinsafan n kesedaran pada sy..ada tugas sy sungguh berat utk sy yg bakal sy tempuhi nanti.. so i must be prepared physically, mentally, spiritually before be a doctor insyaAllah beberapa bulan lagi..insyaAllah..amin~

During PCM posting ni, (3 wk in district hosp bt.gajah..2 wk in Klinik kesihatan Greentown..1 wk varity prog liked palliative care..nursing home etc )..lecturers alwitz emphasize "doctor must treat patients as a whole"..holistic approach~.. for's true!.. as i said before.. its not only treat wif bg ubat n then patient blk cam2 je.. ape gune ilmu kiter byk2..macam nk mati study 5 tahun sumer..pas2 ilmu sumer berkubur cam2 jer.. so as a doctor..we need to have some times wif patient.. i mean spent times wif patient for a while..explain their problems properly.. educate them wif some information bout their illness.. give support to them..uh how sweet if every doctors or future doctors can be like diz.. so nice rite?? Ini baru d'katakan perfect doctor..not juz by a name of 'doctor'..

Actly, everythin in our life reflect wif ape yg kite wat.. juz a simple example..kalu kite sendiri sakit.. or our family members sakit..we hope a best treatment from d'doctor rite?

So..if we can do d'best for others..insyaAllah..kiter juga akan dapat yg terbaik..yg penting ape2 pun setiap yg kiter wat itu niat kiter ikhlas..

MorAL of d'StOry

Setiap yg KiTer LakukaN itu..PasTi dgn niaT yg IkHLas~..pastIkan hasiLkan Yg TerBaiK..Yg berdoa la ape yg kiter lakukan itu mandapat Keredhaan drNya..Sesunnguhnya kiter hanya merancang AllaH jua lah penentu segala nya~~.

click here!!

EnJoy my PAEDIATRICs PosTing pula~~

(1st Sept- 17th OcT 2008)